Meadow, MEAsuring the Dynamics of Organisations and Work, Developing Harmonised Indicators on Organisational Change and its Economic and Social Impacts for the European Union
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Exploitation and dissemination



Lead partner : Edward Lorenz - University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis - France

Dissemination is core to the MEADOW project’s coordination activities. Moreover, it is a horizontal activity in which all of the partners will be involved. MEADOW’s dissemination plan is set up around the basic principle of assuring timely dissemination of the project’s on-going activities and results to a range of actors including :

- Policy makers, including those responsible for data collection activities, at the national and EU levels ;
- Other relevant stakeholders including trade unions, employers associations, educational institutions, and the scientific community within the ERA ;
- The global policy and scientific communities, including those in such fast-growing developing nations as China and India.

The four fundamental pillars of the Meadow project’s dissemination activities are :

1) The Meadow website. Continuous dissemination will be assured throughout the life of the project by the project’s webpage, which will provide basic information on the network, the project goals and project activities. The unrestricted public space on the MEADOW webpage will be used to diffuse all unrestricted documents and reports.

2) The Stakeholder meetings planned for February 2009 and December 2009 of the project. The meetings will be the occasion to directly disseminate the project results at different phases to members of the policy, scientific, business and trade union communities. The MEADOW Advisory Board will assist in making contact with key stakeholders at the national and European levels. The Advisory Board will meet four times over the life of the project, in months 2, 13, 24 and 34.

3) The Meadow Advisory Board. The Advisory Board, formed of prominent members of the scientific and policy communities will provide strategic advice in relation to project dissemination. It will meet four times over the life of the project at the time of the General Assembly Meeting to be held in April 2007, March 2008, February 2009 and December 2009. Members of the Advisory Board include :
Alessandra Colecchia, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD
Peter Elias, Strategic Advisor (Data Resources), ESRC, UK.
Bernard Felix, "Social Statistics and Innovation Society", EUROSTAT
Julia Lane, Director of Economics, Labor and Population at NORC/University of Chicago
Agnès Parent-Thirion, European Working Conditions Obervatory from EFILWC
Johan van Rens, former Director of CEDEFOP
4) The project’s institutional contributors. The institutional contributors will have a participant/observer role and will be involved on voluntary basis and according to expertise in the work of the core Coordination Activities focusing on priorities, definitions, measures and statistical methods. The will participate in the stakeholder meetings planned for February 2009 and December 2009.
They include:
- The European Foundation for the Improvement of Working Conditions (EFILWC), Dublin
- The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris
- The Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT), Brussels
- The DARES, French Ministry of Employment, Paris
- The Italian National Statistical Office (ISTAT), Rome
- The Hungarian Central Statistical Office, (HCSO), Budapest, Hungary
- Institute of Labour and Social Studies, Warsaw, Poland
- Faculty of Management, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak republic
- The Planning Commission Unit in Development Economics, Kerala, India
- S&T Statistics Department, Nathional Research Center for Science and Technology for Development, Beijing, China

Reports and Events