Historical events
Final Meadow Conference
29 January 2010, Brussels, Belgium (Organised by UNSA)
This meeting involved a wide range of potential users of the Guidelines, including representatives from the policy, scientific, business and trade union communities. The main objective of this meeting was to present the Guidelines, including the results of the testing phase of the project carried out in 2009, in order to demonstrate the feasibility of producing harmonised statistics on organisational dynamics at the EU level. The meeting was an occasion for further discussions aimed at building-up a partnership with members of the ESS network with a view to carrying-out a European survey on organisational change and its impacts.
Minutes of the final conference
Programme and speakers' presentations
9:00- 9:20 Welcome and opening remarks- MEADOW and EU research in socio-economic sciences
Domenico Rossetti , European Commission, DG Research
Chair for morning sessions: Monique Ramioul, Catholic University of Leuven
9:20-10:00 Overview of the MEADOW project: objectives and policy relevance
Nathalie Greenan , Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi
10:00- 10:45 Why is it important to measure organisational change?
Duncan Gallie, Nuffield College, Oxford
10:45- 11:00 Coffee
11:00-11:30 The MEADOW employer survey: scope and indicators
Edward Lorenz, University of Nice- Sophia Antipolis
11:30- 12:00 Open discussion with stakeholders
12:00-13:15 Buffet lunch
Chair for afternoon sessions: John Forth, National Institute of Economic and Social research, United Kingdom
13:15- 13:45 The MEADOW employee survey: scope and indicators
Francis Green, University of Kent
13:45- 14:15 Open discussion with stakeholders
14:15- 14:45 Cognitive tests and harmonisation of the MEADOW survey instruments
Giorgio Sirilli, Italian National Research Council
14:45- 15:15 Full-scale tests of the MEADOW questionnaire in Sweden and Denmark
Hans-Olof Hagen, Statistics Sweden
Peter Nielsen, Aalborg University
15:15- 15:45 Coffee
15:45- 16:45 Roundtable on MEADOW's contribution to European policy-making
Chair: Peter Elias, University of Warwick and Economic and Social Research Council
Kenneth Abrahamson, Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research
Joao Medeiros, European Commission, DG Employment
Keith Sequeira, European Commission, DG Enterprise
Maria Theofilatou, European Commission, DG Research
Tuomo Alasoini, Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES)
16:45- 17:00 Conclusions
Nathalie Greenan, Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi
Edward Lorenz, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis
First Stakeholder Meeting
4-6 February 2009, Aalborg, Denmark (Organised by AAU)
The main purpose of this meeting is to present the project’s mid-term results to representatives from the network comprising the European Statistical System (ESS) which includes Eurostat and the statistical offices, ministries, and agencies that collect official statistics for EU Member States. Representatives from these institutions will be actively engaged in a dialogue around the draft employer and employee-level questionnaires with a view to ensuring that the consortium stays focused on the needs of such national authorities who would ultimately carry-out a European-wide organisational survey.
This Meeting is organised by the University of Aalborg (AAU).
The partners involved in the Workpackages 4,5 and 6 met to discuss the progress of their work. Also, WP7 has been kicked off at this occasion.
Second General Assembly Meeting
Workpackages 2 and 3 Meeting
MEADOW Kick-off meeting
The Meadow Kick-off meeting took place in Paris (France) on the 4th and the 5th of April 2007.
MEADOW Steering Committee meeting
20 March 2007, Leuven, Belgium