Meadow, MEAsuring the Dynamics of Organisations and Work, Developing Harmonised Indicators on Organisational Change and its Economic and Social Impacts for the European Union
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Project Organisation

The Meadow project is organised around five levels.


The General Assembly (GA) 

The General Assembly includes all the project partners and meets four times over the life of the project. It has two main functions:
- communicates and validates any necessary modifications to the work plan or to the governance structure and assures dissemination of knowledge within the consortium;
- presents and discusses the progress of the coordination activities conducted within the different workpackages and identifying appropriate actions for the successful performance of the project.
The General assembly is chaired by the coordinator, Nathalie Greenan (CEE), who is assisted by the second, Edward Lorenz (UNSA).

The Steering Committee (SC)  

The Steering Committee consists of the coordinator and the lead partners of the workpackages : CEE (coordinator, WP1, WP3), UNSA (WP8), AAU (WP2), OSA (WP4), UKENT (WP5), NIESR (WP6), UM MERIT (WP7). It is chaired by the coordinator, who is assisted by the second, and meets at least twice a year over the life of the project. The Steering Committee is in charge of managing the project, taking general decisions within the framework of the contract and its annexes, notably regarding budget allocation, the overall governance structure, and changes in the work plan. The Steering committee contributes to on-going project assessment in terms of meeting the project’s scientific goals.


The Workpackage teams   

The coordination activity of the Meadow project is divided into 8 workpackages. Each workpackage is carried out by a workpackage team, and coordinated by a workpackage leader, who works closely with a second.  The teams’ composition is determined in accordance with the experience and expertise of the different partners. The workpackage teams are in charge of executing specific technical tasks, and supplying the timely production of deliverables to the coordinator. They meet twice a year during the term of the workpackage.  


The Advisory Board (AB)  

The Advisory Board is formed by prominent members of the scientific and policy communities. It participates in four conferences at milestone moments in the project’s lifetime and contributes to on-going project assessment. The Advisory Board provide strategic advice in relation to project dissemination and assists the project management bringing in representatives from the scientific, policy, business and trade union communities for the two Stakeholders meetings planned in 2009 and 2010.    

Name of Institutions  Team person in charge
 University of Warwick  Peter Elias
 DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, European Commission  Joao Medeiros
 Eurostat  Veijo Ritola*
 Centre d’Etudes de l’Emploi (CEE)  Nathalie Greenan
 University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (UNSA)  Edward Lorenz
 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)  Alessandra Colecchia*
 European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EFILWC)  Agnès Parent-Thirion*
 Adviser European Affairs  Johan Van Rens
 University of Chicago  Julia Lane
* Some of the members of the Advisory Board are also involved in Meadow as Institutional observers.  

The Institutional observers  

A number of Institutional observers are invited to contribute to the Meadow project. They are of three categories: international organisations, national statistical services and other organisations from developing countries, and EU new member states. Some of these observers have upper-level administrative responsibility in organisations with national or international data collection expertise. Others bring an expertise that widens the geographical reach of the project or specific expertise directly relevant to the objectives of Meadow.
 Country  Name of institutions Team person in charge
 France  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)  Alessandra Colecchia
 Ireland European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EFILWC) Agnès Parent-Thirion
 UK University of Warwick  Peter Elias
 Luxembourg  Eurostat  Veijo Ritola
 Belgium  DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, European Commission Joao Medeiros
 China  S&T Statistics Department, National Research Center for Science and Technology for Development Gao Changlin
 France French Ministry of Employment - DARES Elisabeth Algava
 Hungary Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) Judith Lakatos
 India The Planning Commission Unit in Development Economics Sunil Mani
 Italy  Italian National Statistical Office (ISTAT) Giulio Perani
 Poland  Institute of Labour and Social Studies  Lukasz Sienkiewicz
 Slovak Republic  Faculty of Management, Comenius University  Lubica Bajzikova 


 Statistics Sweden (SCB)

 Hans-Olof Hagén


 The Swedish Hotel and Restaurant Association (SHR)

 Anette Nylund


 European Agency for Safety and Health at work (OSHA)

 William Cockburn